In this series we are looking at one thing each month that we can change to improve our running. This month I want to focus on getting more structure to your week, so you get out of the grey (twilight) zone.
What is the grey zone in running?
The Grey Zone is an area that a lot of runners tend to drift into when they do not have a set structure. In the grey zone, each run is not easy enough to be a recovery run but is not quite hard enough to work the aerobic system appropriately. It is where we go out at a semi uncomfortable pace for the length of our run.
The week consists of X amount of these runs with not a huge variation in the pace or distance that we are doing.
Now when you start running this type of training is not only good it is nearly essential.
You need that time to get used to running, allow your joints, tendons and muscles adapt and essentially get miles into the legs. When starting out I would totally recommend just getting out for regular easy runs to allow you body to get used to running.
After about 2 months of this you need to start getting out of the grey zone.
With our Sports Pilates program, we have follow along training for those that don’t have a coach. This training allows you to set a goal from 5k to Marathon and build towards the race in a structured way. It gives you a structure to follow so you get the most out of the time and effort you put into your running. The good news about this type of training is that it takes no more time or effort. You are going out for the run anyway. This just allows you to get the most out of that time. I think also it is more enjoyable. I am convinced that one of the main reasons people like training for a marathon is because they have an actual plan to follow rather than trying to make it up themselves!
What structure do I use?
What I like is 2 workout days in the week and one longer run. If you have time for other runs then they should just be easy runs. If you don’t have time. Get the 2 workouts and a run done and try just walk a bit on the other days. This is the harder work that hits the aerobic system. This shouldn’t be super hard by any means but generally it involves 10 to 15 minutes easy jogging. Then we do our running drills. (I will be doing a warm-up post next month showing you the running drills to improve our running).
For the two workouts, I like one that is working either zone 3 and 4 of the aerobic system. Regardless of what event you are getting ready for, be it 1500M to Marathon, developing the aerobic system is essential. The second session in the week should be a bit more specific to the race distance you are getting ready for it.
Here are two samples for 5k/10K and then Marathon.
Week of Cycle | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
10 weeks out | 30-60 mins | 40-60 with 4 x 20 second hill strides | Cruise Intervals- 3-5 x 7 mins Z3 . 4 x 20 second hills. 90 between sets | 30-60/ Rest | rest | Lactate +- 10 mins @Z3. 6/10 x 75 seconds or 400M @ 10k effort (Track) off 1 min recover. 5 mins @Z4. 2 mins between sets | 60-90 min Run |
Pilates | Rest | Pilates | Rest | Rest |
6 out | Pilates | 15 WU/CD 5 x 5 mins @AT/Z3 off 90 sec. | 50 mins easy | Pre Race Pilates | 30mins easy w/ 3 x 10 second hills | 14-16 miles . 3-5 miles easy. Next 10 miles Marathon Pace +20/30 seconds per KM. Or just low E3. 1 easy | 60 mins easy |
You can see two weeks of our 5k and Marathon plans. You can see that the Wednesday or Tuesday session for both is similar with zone 3 being developed. On the Saturday the marathon group do a long run session, where as the 5k/10k group includes 75 seconds of 10K pace work within the session.
NOTE: You might be confused about what zone 3 and 4 is. This is from the lactate test results: I discuss this here: If interested in this let me know and we can set this up for you.
Ok I hope this article has been useful and allows you to map out your week better.
If you are in our Pilates group, just know we have follow along training that you can do to help you with your training. If not just try to have workout days and then easy days. On the easy days go easy!