Well Done for signing up for our Free Trial

First thank you for signing up for our Free Trial.

Please check your inbox (Maybe Promotions tab) to make sure you are signed up.


We will look to start the Free Trial at the end of this week. Please check your email for details. We will also put you into our WhatsApp Group to keep communication. 

What Happens Next?

Please Check your inbox

If you go to your email, we have just emailed you. It might be in the Promotions tab or even spam so if you can check those.

Make our emails primary

If it is in the Promotions tab, can you drag it into your primary tab. The video below shows how to do it. – Watch now>

Receive Pilates Information

We will send you information on your Free Trial and a survey to give you information on any injury or niggles your might have. 

Email questions for answers

If you have any questions just reply to the email in your inbox from me and I can answer any questions you might have.

Fill in our Survey that we sent to your email

Get bonus videos and exercises for specific injuries or pain you may have.